Mr. Do! Walking away from the Internet, Intranet, Extranet, Deep Web and DarkWeb

One of my heart’s desires is to walk away from internet connected technologies.

Every day after school in the 80’s

Sounds like career suicide for an Information Security Professional and a little hard to see how I could ever untangle my encrypted connections. My thoughts go back to my first glimpse into tech, as a kid, into Mr. Do! , one day after leaving Bakers Arms, Leyton, East London and heading to E10 7LS.

Arcade folk who didn’t even know my name would eventually call me Mr. Do! because I was always hitting high scores. I had worked out the routines and backdoors.

Who knew my backdoor talents would bury itself so deep into my Digital DNA.

Anyhow the irony of posting something like this on a blog is evident so don’t go there, Sherlock.

I’ve had a touch of the off-line life and I know I can thrive there, especially using a different part of my brain but for now, I’m on it 15-18 hours a day Work, Family, Love and Play.

How you got Hacked…..and why

In the past,  I’ve spent hours on the phone trying to show someone how to configure an email client.

Small business put up little fight hackers and snoopers.

Normally intelligent individuals suddenly become dummies when faced with anything “technical”.

Individuals are routinely breached because they are either

Too busy to care about basic hygiene (tech bits)

Have no password management skills

Have no trusted technical support partner

Do not monitor their set-up

…or most importantly, not bothered.

These same individuals take extreme cause with their daily online banking.

2 hours 45 minutes Hysteria

Hamilton the Musical opens in London this November and is sold out already.

The Theatre is not even built yet but the crowds will be descending on Victoria Station this winter for one of the biggest hypes in the West End in years.

Kill for a ticket

It’s the perfect formula and Christmas gift, get the public to fight to buy a ticket with daily and weekly lotteries or open auctions, limit the resale of tickets with high-end verification processes.

All this for less than 3 hours of entertainment.

Continue reading “2 hours 45 minutes Hysteria”

Stuck in Limbo

A nice independent title that caught my attention some time ago went on sale for $1.99 so I could hardly give up the chance to dive into Limbo.

Find the way out of LIMBO ™

Pure simplicity is its charm and most of the reviews give it the 4 out of 5 stars. Not bad for a Black and White side-scrolling platform game reminiscent of retro titles.

So far it seems the game is based on Fear.  Angst over isolation, loneliness and the massive uncertainty of what could happen next.

After 5 minutes of playing it has a touch of Unravel ™ where you start to actually care about the fate of your character.

I’ve been stuck in my own personal Limbo for a few years now, not moving forwards or backwards just drifting in-between three worlds.  I’m now forced into taking some uncharacteristic risks.

My name is Very Fucking Confused; what’s your name?

Saw 2004

Clocks change…..At Last

So much for planning sessions, I meant to schedule planned alone time for Horizon Zero Dawn™ but the game is so addictive that my sessions are running between 2-3 hours.

I’m even running 2 parallel games exploring different choice experiences.

Time to leave the Man Cave

Ok back to the drawing board.

Clocks move forward in a few hours. This is such a pivotal time for me, I can now wake up and walk out of my hibernation Man Cave. The so-called SAD (Seasonal affective disorder) season has less impact on me nowadays but the absolute joy of blues sky, blossom and birds singing just reminds me to wake up and live life.

Things I should have done last  summer

Prepared for Winter.....avoided Europe

Ditched the things that make me sad

Got a new wardrobe of clothes

Set up roots....stopped living out of a carry-on suitcase
Last Summer I visited Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture™

Alone in the Dark

Alone in the Dark is one of my favourite old school PC games from 1993.

Scaring myself silly till Dawn

Titles like this are truly best when you are alone physically and virtually, lights out with a big screen and good headphone.

I’ve started Survival Horror Until Dawn™ nearly 2 years after it’s initial release.


Knowing full well that I would get this title one day I avoided most of the public spoilers and streams but know just enough about the game to have a good first-time experience.

One of it’s most enjoyable features is the Butterfly effect in that all your decisions impact the life or death of game characters.

This is way too close to real life but a great lesson to be learned.

Stop and think, there will be consequences to all your decisions.