Been a Long time….

It’s been seven months since my previous post, and life has maintained a relatively steady course. When I say “relatively,” I mean that I haven’t had to grapple with any exceedingly dramatic life challenges. Stability often equates to monotony, but at the same time, monotony offers a sense of security.

The previously guarded AI secret weapon has now been released for public use without any cost, causing the world to react strongly as it attempts to comprehend the transformed landscape of threats. The year 2022 introduced the era of Crypto, 2023 brought the prominence of AI, and one can only speculate about what 2024 holds in store.

Perhaps I’ll employ AI to reword my future posts.

More than five years have elapsed since I last engaged in Star Wars Battlefront (2015). Recently, I ventured into a multiplayer match and found myself vanishing within moments of starting. Astonishingly, there are still individuals frequenting these antiquated servers, although waiting for a grand 40-player showdown requires significant patience.

Several single-player missions remain incomplete, and now I appear entirely inexperienced at Rank 51 (formerly the highest level attainable). Players at Rank 100 obliterate me without a trace, leaving me clueless about my assailant’s identity. Nonetheless, it’s all in good spirits and provides an enjoyable experience.

(This post was rewritten by Ai and reads so much better than my original draft)

STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ was groundbreaking in 2015 and is still good today.

Research stage – cheaters patched

It’s been great wondering around the country shooting wildlife and taking OutPost in FarCry New Dawn.  The game has been good to me, I haven’t achieved the Platinum trophy yet but it’s nearly time to return to DC (90+GB download in progress) especially after the patch.

Today’s official basic notes (no engineering details but enough to observe they had to take down the global servers for 3 hours)

  •     Fixed an issue where the Special Field Research stages would not update properly in certain situations.
  •     Fixed an issue where Specialization ammunition could not be picked up in certain situations.
  •     Fixed an issue of missing gun textures in the inventory.
  •     Fixed an issue causing players to be temporarily invulnerable when replacing an armor plate in cover (An exploit/cheat patched)
Far Cry® New Dawn – Great Off-line environment