Clocks change…..At Last

So much for planning sessions, I meant to schedule planned alone time for Horizon Zero Dawn™ but the game is so addictive that my sessions are running between 2-3 hours.

I’m even running 2 parallel games exploring different choice experiences.

Time to leave the Man Cave

Ok back to the drawing board.

Clocks move forward in a few hours. This is such a pivotal time for me, I can now wake up and walk out of my hibernation Man Cave. The so-called SAD (Seasonal affective disorder) season has less impact on me nowadays but the absolute joy of blues sky, blossom and birds singing just reminds me to wake up and live life.

Things I should have done last  summer

Prepared for Winter.....avoided Europe

Ditched the things that make me sad

Got a new wardrobe of clothes

Set up roots....stopped living out of a carry-on suitcase
Last Summer I visited Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture™