Mr. Do! Walking away from the Internet, Intranet, Extranet, Deep Web and DarkWeb

One of my heart’s desires is to walk away from internet connected technologies.

Every day after school in the 80’s

Sounds like career suicide for an Information Security Professional and a little hard to see how I could ever untangle my encrypted connections. My thoughts go back to my first glimpse into tech, as a kid, into Mr. Do! , one day after leaving Bakers Arms, Leyton, East London and heading to E10 7LS.

Arcade folk who didn’t even know my name would eventually call me Mr. Do! because I was always hitting high scores. I had worked out the routines and backdoors.

Who knew my backdoor talents would bury itself so deep into my Digital DNA.

Anyhow the irony of posting something like this on a blog is evident so don’t go there, Sherlock.

I’ve had a touch of the off-line life and I know I can thrive there, especially using a different part of my brain but for now, I’m on it 15-18 hours a day Work, Family, Love and Play.