Warning!!! Shop, Stream and Send levels exceeded.

What was once an uncertain landscape is now as predictable as Perma Death mod.

Accepting this will lead to a better path of contentment. Like many, I sat at home streaming, sending and shopping from our favourite forest. 2022 will need to be different because I don’t have any more space in the house but mainly because material things don’t generate a decent level of dopamine. 

Path of the Nomad tactics are needed to regenerate my health and well-being over time, but seriously I’m now on the hunt for a new Path. In the meantime, I’ve attracted a gradual load of low-level pesky bot attacks but not too interesting to talk about here.

Maybe a spending cap is needed for 2020 toooooo

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Week 2 of getting back in the gym and it’s actually working with less resistance from me or anyone around me. So easy to change habits sometimes but it seems I haven’t even got time enough to blog properly about it.

PS Plus turned on

Running around snipping folk in Far Cry® 6