The maze of Digital hygiene

Digital: An abstract mess of details. What is my data, company data, public data, who owns it, who can share it, can I unplug from it?

Most folk willingly sign up for privacy notices just to use a service without really understanding the risk or their obligations or even reading the 20+ pages of nonsense.

Regulations wrap us up in legal jargon that is often difficult to understand and is contantly changing.

I’m so sick of being an “expert”.

How do I get out of this one?

Chapter 1: Acknowledging the Starting Point

Every journey begins with acknowledging where you are

I was fairly self aware but today I faced up to my obesity and hit the gym for the first time in months. My first steps included confronting my poor eating and sleeping habits, lifestyle, and mindset of denial.

Several things have led to my weight gain in ’23

  • Working and snacking at home constantly
  • Comfort eating to escape unhappiness
  • No regular exercise guilted out of solo training
Looking forward to good things in 2024….Keep on trucking.

Of course, MG raised up and punished me with chronic fatigue after the workout.

Antiviral detected

Today I hit the COVID-19 vaccination lottery courtesy of Myasthenia Gravis and pretty much dropped everything to head to the Medical Centre.  Having a dodgy immune system has always been horrible weak point to live with especially for a seemingly “big tough guy”.  Now at least with this superman injection I can be amongst some of the first to be back in general population running around with immunity.

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 – Got any drugs?

F*** off, I’m not lazy I’m Myasthenic

I finally killed off my three hunters to claim the Ridgeway Chest piece.  Goodness knows what I’ll do with it but at least the deed is done.  You probably won’t hear much from myasthenics around the world as we manage our stress levels and look to side step the pandemic.

The Openness trait is a formidable shield if somebody upsets me I tell them if someone impresses me I tell them. Of course, some people just can’t “handle the truth”. The operational intensive and pressure on back-office IT folk is an attractive and risky endeavour that repulses and attracts me at the same time.

Anyhow, I’m standing strong right now albeit staggered by occasional stress triggering a daytime sleep fest.

Running out of COVID wall counters – Tom Clancy’s The Division 2

Do you know something I don’t know?

It’s kinda worrying when a health workers turns up to your house after you’ve called medical services for a C-19 test.

I’m not panicking yet as at least this way I will know either way why I feel so bad over the past few days. Is it Myasthenia gravis kicking my ass again or something else?

Fear, paranoia and glitches

Like many Brits by birth, I’ve become accustomed to my democratic privacy. I enjoy free movement across borders without much hassle.

Enter The Dragon

Since a kid, I’ve been fascinated with Chinese culture so it’s actually awesome to be finally going there as 40+ years later. It becomes apparent at the Visa application stage how controlling the authorities are and this is made worst with media coverage of official spyware install by immigration…WTF and I have to pay for the privilege of a Visa. Having an assumption of my privacy rights does not help my situation and so my anxiety level rise and hello Mr Myasthenia.

So what’s in my toolkit?

  • Linux Tails iPad
  • new iCloud account
  • New Facebook account for self tracking ….and a few encrypted devices.

…but essentially, I’ll be offline as much as possible.

My top 5 Barriers to China

  1. You have to scan and upload your picture. This is easy enough but not everyone has a decent document scanner or knows how to use it.
  2. Confirmed hotel booking…maybe I just want to be free and last minute. Nope, this is not an option.
  3. Form filling 10 pages of personal data..This is Your Life
  4. Appointment in person…2-3 hours if you are lucky
  5. Figuring out the geography…China is freaking massive. I will definitely get lost at some point.

I have no freaking idea what I’m getting into but hey, it’s just another level.

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 – intentional glitch?