28 Years ago, I should have known better

On reflection, I now crave the simplicity of my life in the 90’s.  The flow of data was slower, less widespread and simpler to secure as not many people knew it was there in the first place.

Today, we are swimming in data flows and everyone is their own system administrator.  iOS Beta 3 is now available, I can’t see the differences but no doubt the vendor is crunching an exabyte of test device data.  I’m still hooked on the Screen Time application.

I’m part of the generation that didn’t realise what it actually meant to push all end-users to be Network-centric and eventually dependent.  Now, turn off the Network and all hell breaks loose.  The option to live an offline digital life is now cumbersome, awkward and attracts suspicion as to why you are “not online”.

Data availability

28 years ago I knew users would have to be on the network to make data availability work, now I realise that helping to create that dependency was a mistake.  And like South Londoner, Michelle Wallen sang so wonderfully as Pica Paris “I Should’ve Known Better”.

Back in days of the BootLeg

Of course, it creates a nice arena for Data Privacy specialist like me.

Unbreakable @ 51

My week-long birthday celebrations ended in London entertained by Rare Grove and Soul legends Don E, London’s Omar and Eric Benét (51).

Absolutely fabulous being in Brixton at this time, good people, great food and just an all-around nice time.  I haven’t done this for the longest time.

Most of all, I was around the people I Love.


What kind of Fool

Yeah, Love is as annoying as ever.

I, for one, cannot tell the difference between a raging argument and a relationship crushing move.

Jill Francis sang it well in 1993

First you say Yeah
Then you say No
Tell me to Stop
And then you say Go
What kind of Fool are you looking for?
Make up your flipping mind up

I have -37 Emotional Intelligence right now

Climbing the Ladder of Accountability

Stop, Look, Listen (To Your Heart) The Stylistics original in 1971 is up there amongst my most favourite ballads.  A colleague taught me about the Ladder of Accountability and it dawned on me how many areas of my life have seen me scale and slide down that very Ladder multiple times.

Living on past truimps leads me into a world of resentment and “Do you know who I am” territory.

For the longest time, I languished on Level 4 believing I was actually doing something when in reality I was wasting time and taking the blame.  Right now, I’m probably on Level 6.5 and happy to have documented enough stuff to realise truly what the reality is.

Responsible and Proactive

Level 8 - I Make it Happen
level 7 - I seek Solutions
Level 6 - I Own it
Level 5 - I acknowledge reality
Victim mentality - Reactive

Level 4 - I wait and Hope
Level 3 - I make Excuses
Level 2 - I blame and Complain
Level 1 - I'm unaware or in denial

“You’re alone all the time
Does it ever puzzle you
Have you asked why?”

Thomas Randolph Bell and Linda Diane Creed

Running with the herd offline

Just got back from a brilliant Road Trip to some active volcanoes off the coast of Morocco.  This was absolutely the best fun, the biggest challenge as a sole traveller was grouping up and going with the flow.

Somehow, it all worked out fine as we partied and basked in the Sun for days enjoying free flowing Pino CoLager.

Dropped Horizon Dawn exploration for the real deal

For the entire trip, I enjoyed zero access to my digital life.

Love dependency

Any addiction is usually not a good thing.  I’ve always known that I’m actually addicted to being in Love.

The problem, like all addiction, is that going cold turkey is painfully and long lasting.  I woke up this morning still in Love but unable to contact the object of my passion.

I need a fix badly.

Wondering around the snow covered mountains in Horizon Zero Dawn brought some comfort and I discovered a few interesting side missions while harvesting 2 nice collectibles.  The view up here is tranquil and exhilarating coming down on the zip wire.

I wanted to call her this morning to beg for one more chance but pride stopped me.  I don’t believe I deserve another chance.  Maybe it’s just better to let her go rather than risk causing more damage and destroying the good memories.

All data including pictures are now safely archived.

I can’t get the Manhattans 1976 track out of my head

Many months have passed us by
I'm gonna miss you I can't lie
I've got ties and so do you
I just think this is the thing to do
It's gonna hurt me I can't lie
Maybe you'll meet another guy
Understand me won't you try, try, try
Let's just kiss and say goodbye