Where’s my stuff? Digital download or Physical purchase

Woke up feel knackered this morning. Was it because I spent 2 hours on The Division™ last night.


I hit the sack around 2 am after a few side missions and it still feels like I’m barely touching the surface of this game.

As part of my discipline regime, I often just remove the Game disk and leave it in my office. Of course, this option is never there for Digital downloads but you can always just delete.

It takes a bit of effort nowadays to just go with physical purchases but, for me, nothing is better than to actually hold the item in your hand.

In the meantime, physical DataCentres are migrating to Cloud Service Providers, often without your knowledge and this raises challenging questions of actually knowing where your stuff is.

Most of your game data for The Division™ is actually not on your console but hosted nicely on Sony’s Network…..somewhere.

Where is my Data? Who knows?