Masculinity and Gaming

The Virtual world may well be one of the last remaining frontiers where masculinity can be unashamedly flaunted.

Titles like FarCy Primal lean towards the pure CaveMan but it is by no means isolated. The sheer ability to fight back physically or with intellect is something that seems to be frowned upon.

A simple scenario of morals and ethics. You find an intruder in your home, do you?

A. Grab a crowbar and beat his brains out

B. Call the police

C. Laugh as your attacker turned victim falls into the man trap you had set-up earlier breaking his legs. You then walk calmly over to him and shoot him in the face at point blank with a saw-off Shot Gun.

Maybe, this is why Computer Games are still not the acceptable genre of entertainment, they sometimes feed into emotions like fear, hate, rage and nurture thoughts of premeditated homicide.
