Turbulent detour ahead

Stopping compulsion suddenly and without warning is not a good long-term tactic and experts tell us that the chances of relapse are extremely high.

Going against professional guidelines, after a 10-hour Division 1 Legendary Global event run, I’ve decided to go PS5 cold turkey for the rest of 2022. Yep, trying to drive recklessly, shot things in the face and solve Samurai mysteries is not going to improve my current state of real-world sadness.

So I delete/all, unplugged and stored the device in a plastic container labelled “Do Not Open until 2023”. Of course, I will dig it up like some buried treasure soon enough but for now, it’s Game Over.

…..my dopamine detox begins.

There is a surprising amount of help and support around the topic of gaming addiction and specific therapy in the UK via the NHS treating the addiction seriously and not labelling the Gamer as lazy or worthless. For me, like 60%+ of gamers, the attraction is escapism and avoidance of dealing with real-world unpleasant issues.

The sadder I am, the more intense I game and for longer. Admitting to being a lifelong gaming addict is not easy as its usually associated with children and people with some sort of neurological disorder. Does my Myasthenia Gravis condition trigger my compulsion?

The results of my personality test are in.

Personality type: Advocate (INFJ-T)
Traits: Introverted – 68%, Intuitive – 58%, Feeling – 59%, Judging – 63%, Turbulent – 72%
Role: Diplomat
Strategy: Constant Improvement

The Q&A was only 10min but revealed my current state of mind and perhaps but my dead-end of trying to please everyone and in the gaming world always needing to level up. Will the real ClickOnyx please stand up?

Saturday 10th September 2022: The temporary physical transfer of PS5 Ownership took place today and my Grand nephew is busy downloading Fortnite.

Turn off the lights when you leave