Lifestyles of the Bored and Restless

The Lock-down lifestyle is a thing that just creeps up on you…the negatives can be overwhelming, but scraps of good stuff can emerge from your captivity.

Here’s my Top-10 Lockdown issue list

  1. Lack of real exercise or movement
    • Unless you are the healthy type or just have a nice home with a great garden or field then it’s natural to just meander from room to room with no real purpose.
  2. Lack of routine
    • This lack of purpose is just a headshrinker…. Why I am here? What is my purpose?
  3. Lack of real face-to-face social connection
    • So, what if you have 500+ LinkedIn. Body language makes up over 50% of our comms.
  4. Perpetual Snacking
    • I’m a grazer and can’t help but wonder in the kitchen every hour or so for a snack. Even when I’m not hungry
  5. Zoomed Out – Screen time Obesity
    • If our effort to become productive we use ever screen possible and this obsession pushes up to 10 hours a day on various devices.
  6. Trapped on a wheel
    • So, you walk from your home office to the dining room then to the kitchen then back to your home office…been here before.  Yes, you have.
  7. Losing your talent
    • I’m a creature of habit and routine and this is where my craft blossoms.  Without that routine, my talents are at risk…
  8. Filing Time with gibberish
    • Fooling yourself you are actually being productive is pretty common. Let’s have pointless Zoom meetings and phone calls whilst goofing off.
  9. The plague of interruptions
    • The perception that you are “available” at home is annoying and probably my number problem….Yes, I am busy and Yes you are interrupting me.
  10. Lost of Risk
    • From the time you step out of your house you are risking something to gain something. Without that Risk, there is nothing to gain and without that gain, you are just a cardboard cutout of your true self.

Creating my own certainty out of nothing, grind some labs and re-inventing my your own purpose.

Lifestyle of a job-hunter