White Lives Matter

Thanks to my PlayStation Plus subscription, the African episode of Assassin’s Creed Black Flag is now free as a stand alone.

The game is dated but I jumped into the Adéwalé character pretty fast and now I know why the following notice is posted on all their games.

Inspired by historical events and characters. This work of fiction was designed, developed and produced by a multicultural team of various religious faiths and beliefs.

Dear White People…run for your lives

It was pretty uncomfortable seeing Black slaves being abused, especially women being chased by White overseers.  The game gently takes you through ways of how to free slaves from Plantations and get your own ship.

Gives me a pretty good reason to Level up to slice and dice White people in the most brutal ways just for fun but I guess the game is on the edge of being politically incorrect.

The series has been running for 10 years.