Climbing the Ladder of Accountability

Stop, Look, Listen (To Your Heart) The Stylistics original in 1971 is up there amongst my most favourite ballads.  A colleague taught me about the Ladder of Accountability and it dawned on me how many areas of my life have seen me scale and slide down that very Ladder multiple times.

Living on past truimps leads me into a world of resentment and “Do you know who I am” territory.

For the longest time, I languished on Level 4 believing I was actually doing something when in reality I was wasting time and taking the blame.  Right now, I’m probably on Level 6.5 and happy to have documented enough stuff to realise truly what the reality is.

Responsible and Proactive

Level 8 - I Make it Happen
level 7 - I seek Solutions
Level 6 - I Own it
Level 5 - I acknowledge reality
Victim mentality - Reactive

Level 4 - I wait and Hope
Level 3 - I make Excuses
Level 2 - I blame and Complain
Level 1 - I'm unaware or in denial

“You’re alone all the time
Does it ever puzzle you
Have you asked why?”

Thomas Randolph Bell and Linda Diane Creed