Romance fraud

Probably, one of the most horrible things to do to someone.

We live and die with our mobiles in our hands, so can be both victim and perpetrator to a crime that is seldom reported and hardly ever reaches Court.

Systems for getting her to Fall for you

For criminals, this is the perfect recipe for a production line of scams with limitless victims.

Underneath, there is the genuine need to cure ironic loneliness in an always connection but emotion disconnected world.


Victims are systematically ignored by the authorities or accused of being naive or stupid while the perpetrator is shielded by the fact that there probably isn’t much the victim can do about it.

Not so romantic now.

Sexual exploitation is part of the scammer toolkit 
- Stealth recording the victim without consent 
- Releasing files without consent 
- Threatening to release files

The same skills needed to exploit are the ones that will help you find Real Love online….