14 days off-line

I’m back on the PlayStation Network after 14 days of being totally offline. So I didn’t quite make my 30 days goal and actually have no reason to stay off gaming right now.  I kept up-to-date by watching fellow games on Twitch.

Relocating to a new game base is refreshing and I’m actually not on junk food path. This forces me to plan meals and walk up two flights of steps every day.

As usual, going back online means deploying mandatory game and system patches. In my case, I had to upgrade to version 4.55 with 360mb of updates alongside various game title updates.

I jumped into HELLDIVERS™ as a system check and added Abzû to my library.

Abzû was released August 2016 and should be a pretty relaxing game.

With a major certification exam planned for December, I need to re-start my reading and research activity, book my exam and order the courseware.

London is my strength it allows me clarity of thought and is great for clothes shopping and catching up with friends or family.  Wanted to visit GP to get more meds but no time right now.

120mg today.