Buzz Kill

I’ve been farming and hunting in Horizon Zero Dawn ™ for a couple of days, ranked up to 7 already but still a rookie.

The issue is that I clearly need 2+ hours of uninterrupted gameplay to really explore the environment and find stuff.

Life keeps interrupting my gameplay

I’m taking my time to farm at the lower levels just to get used to the controls and find a rhythm.

So during gameplay, no checking my phone or anything otherwise even 2 hour straight feels a little unsatisfying.

It’s like I’m half way up a mountain then I get interrupted by a phone call or text…leave me along people I AM BUSY

I’m leaning towards scheduling bi-weekly sessions, maybe mid-week 3 hours straight midnight to 03:00 as opposed to random gaming snacks.

Not enough funds to get How to Survive 2 right now so will have to play something else in my Library.