Personal Computing Gaming – The breeding ground

It’s been 10 years since I switched from PC Gaming to Console and for the most part it’s been good.

Primarily, it was a lifestyle change, I simply did not have the time and money to maintenance a high-end PC rig to play the games. What I like most about PC gaming is the engineering aspect where you can optimise your set-up to your hearts delight.

Thanks to my PC gaming career from the late 80’s to mid-2000 I now have a thriving career in Security. This was my training ground for reverse engineering and adopting technology at the earliest development stage.

Console gaming is more of a consumer experience, you can barely tweak anything on the hardware and are forced to update the Operating system and game software. Proper engineering is strictly forbidden.

The shift of PC in the Home Office or Man Cave to Console in the Living room is significant.

The setting changes your mindset, focus and attitude as well as other peoples impression.

Console bought gaming to the masses but I bet hardcore gamers are still on PC.

The dead Art of tracing cables.

Nowadays is all about Layer 8, the Human factor.