Stick by me and I’ll Stick by you

Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner

The 4-player Co-op mode is now a stable and popular gameplay mode. Many games offer this option to enrich the experience.

Helldivers™ and the upcoming Ghost Recon are great titles for co-op.

When you attack in full force with real-time audio it’s like you’re in the same room, and if things are right you are neurologically connected.

I’m struggling to get this blend in “Real” life as I trip through a Cashless, Contactless, Wireless, Faceless, Cloud-enabled existence searching for the Human factor.

But over the past few days, I broke the cycle.

That repetitive, predictable, soulless drudge that was crippling my limbic system evaporated and revealed a new connection. The very thing I was searching for was found in London’s Savoy.

…my Prospective