An engineering approach to Winter

I handled this Winter season badly this year, took too much for granted and romanced past good years.

A mix of poor wardrobe storage, low-cost old clothing and a massive lack of inspiration. This triggered a pretty continuous wave of low-level depression.

No car meant I had no personal winter travel bubble with my Jazz, was seriously limited to public transportation routes and always exposed to the elements.

Uncertain living conditions meant I was never truly confident with buying anything major as I may have to up sticks and move.

Not gonna reply on sentimental data

So I am determined to make 2018 Winter Season a happier one.

More of London, more Florida.

This is all gonna take more resources mainly time and money.

Continue reading “An engineering approach to Winter”

Emotionally unreachable

When a Loved one is in chronic pain the only thing to do is help them with medication.

I’m rubbish at checking my online messages and sometimes go digitally AWOL.  This causes a different kind of pain….Unreachable.


Twice as powerful as Codeine

Digital Criminals – How they got caught

I took a quick look at some Computer Misuse Act 1990 cases just trying to find some common denominators.

Where’s my money? Emotionally linked to the crime

Here’s what I noticed

  • High victim volume cases against the perpetrators left little solace or compensation for individual victims
  • Perpetrators had an emotional link to the crime, highly motivated by revenge, response to personal disaster or trauma.
  • Insider threat – abuse of trust cases were high i.e. Police officers doing unauthorised searches, teachers broadcasting false info.

Questions to ponder

What kind of internal controls failed?
Did the perpetrator leave too many digital breadcrumbs and careless whispers because of emotion?
What defences did the perpetrators have? I.e. IDS, logs, VPNs, Encryption
What was the real goal of the crime?
Who were the technical accomplices?
Did they know it was wrong? i.e. linked to Malicious Communications Act 1988

First rule about Mental Health

Rule 1. Don’t talk about mental health, especially when it’s someone you know personally.

Rule 2. Never talk about Mental Health – It stirs up feelings of resentment, anger, guilt and helplessness towards the person who is ill.

Rule 3. Review Rule 1

It sucks but talking about someone’s fragile state of minds is a scary topic.  I am totally unequipped to handle it when someone freaks out on me and starts acting “weird”.

There’s an overwhelming feeling of self-preservation that sweeps over me, almost like I think the person’s corrupted mental state is contagious.

My initial instinct is to run away,  throw up a drone and snip them from a distance.  Unfortunately, tactical moves from Ghost Recon® Wildlands will not work here.

Rule 1. Don’t talk about it?

How does one handle someone showing signs of massive memory loss, chronic paranoia, irrational thoughts and threats to self?

How you got Hacked…..and why

In the past,  I’ve spent hours on the phone trying to show someone how to configure an email client.

Small business put up little fight hackers and snoopers.

Normally intelligent individuals suddenly become dummies when faced with anything “technical”.

Individuals are routinely breached because they are either

Too busy to care about basic hygiene (tech bits)

Have no password management skills

Have no trusted technical support partner

Do not monitor their set-up

…or most importantly, not bothered.

These same individuals take extreme cause with their daily online banking.

Tomorrow it rained

I worry profusely about everything, sometimes it cripples my ability to actually move forward with thought or actions.

The Walking Dead: Michonne – always worrying

I caught an interesting comment from a linguist stating that Chinese verbs never changes. Present, past or future tense are all the same so a statement like “Tomorrow it rained” is perfected acceptable.

Maybe this can help me get a hold of my anxiety and worry about the future and accept what is unavoidable.

Ok, this week I’m going to have to admit my failings even if those around me do not.

I can walk

I can talk

I have no pains

Thank You