11 days before the incident

Jumping off a cliff can very often be the trophy moment.

LIMBO ™ has a really interesting prize for walking downhill into absolute pitch blackness. The feeling of fear and uncertainty was priceless.

Find the way out of LIMBO ™

At the end, the reward was satisfying and I looked back at my hesitation on taking the risk and wonder why.

In 11 days I’m going downhill into real world Zero emotional vision, no hesitation.

I want this.
I need this.

Snow in April

This just sums up my year so far, Tales of the Unexpected.

Woke up to snow this morning.

I’d already ditched all my gloves and winter wear thinking it was all over and had to scrabble around for layers of clothing to keep warm.

Day 2 of no PS4

Man down

Plenty of uncertainty in my life over the next 4 weeks so I’ve opted for the unthinkable, PS4 decommissioning.

Parting from my PS4 is such sweet sorry

Yes, no games for the foreseeable future, well at least until I know where I will be sleeping.

I’ll probably be watching lots of Twitch.TV and thankfully Netflix now has a download offline option.

An old source fronted me some money via a proxy to get me out of this jam that I didn’t even cause.  Unfortunately, I don’t have the time or luxury to contemplate the major repercussions from taking the money.

This is just one of those things I’ll be pondering on my death bed staring up at the ceiling waiting for Jesus to take me. And believe me when I say, I’ve looked straight into the eyes of two dying husbands on separate occasions and the same look of regret haunts me till today.

So while I can still care for myself………

Let’s Play the Music and Dance.  (1936 by Irving Berlin)

No meds today 
Last catastrophic event Friday 7-April 08:20
Subject A suffered massive memory loss, chronic paranoia and delusional episodes.

Death and Mayhem

I added Drawn to Death™  to my gaming library a few days ago.  Pretty much an aggressive adult online shooter without the military or police theme.

An excellent gaming snack in-between the big titles.

The Art Work is excellently hand-drawn, hence the title.

Small and unapologetic, this title is upfront and clear about what you are getting into.

Time to go for a long walk

My Christmas Beach

Apart from a few emotional highs, it’s been a crap year so far. Nothing but problems and aggravating issues.

This is just the time to plan for Christmas.

December 25th, 2017 Daytona Beach

This year I want to spend it with my Mom. This has the potential to cause major upsets in my life but you only have one mother.

I need to be near her for my own sanity and I want to be somewhere safe where the weather is actually warm.

First rule about Mental Health

Rule 1. Don’t talk about mental health, especially when it’s someone you know personally.

Rule 2. Never talk about Mental Health – It stirs up feelings of resentment, anger, guilt and helplessness towards the person who is ill.

Rule 3. Review Rule 1

It sucks but talking about someone’s fragile state of minds is a scary topic.  I am totally unequipped to handle it when someone freaks out on me and starts acting “weird”.

There’s an overwhelming feeling of self-preservation that sweeps over me, almost like I think the person’s corrupted mental state is contagious.

My initial instinct is to run away,  throw up a drone and snip them from a distance.  Unfortunately, tactical moves from Ghost Recon® Wildlands will not work here.

Rule 1. Don’t talk about it?

How does one handle someone showing signs of massive memory loss, chronic paranoia, irrational thoughts and threats to self?