…and held in evidence against you

As a free agent, I could easily join the social media trains and post my every meal or location to the world. I still care intensively about digital privacy and the looming aspect of things you say or do in the present impacting future accusation.

For now, I need to raise my head about the privacy line as I explore new job and business opportunities, but I don’t need to broadcast everything, so my mix of VPNs, TOR and Cloud hopping remains the same.

In the meantime, I’m experimenting with the WireGuard Protocol which seems to offer easier security audits. One of the primary design goals of the protocol is silence.

Exploring Post pandemic new VPN protocol WireGuard

Coming out of the bunker

Arriving at an empty Heathrow Airport was incredibly eerie and travelling on an empty Underground train reminded me of how Sundays used to be decades ago.

No tourist, no business folk, no commuters just the old worker…it was 11am.

In the meantime, I was so out of touch that I didn’t realise the Leader of the Labour Party had changed to some dude named Keir Hardie…who?

Timorously, I poke my head out into life in the UK like a timid rabbit…is it safe? No time for doubt, in fact now is the time to push ahead and be an early adopter of the new World. Of course, I’m missing the 2nd Raid and Season in Tom Clancy’s The Divison 2 with no temptation as my PS4 is in another country now..ho-hum.